Thursday, May 24, 2007

Hi to everyone. Wel i am in Phoenix now I had a long couple of days in Santa Ana with Survivair and then a day with santa ana fire Dept. I spent the day with Joe Vasques who is a BA technician like me then I was invited to spend the night with station 5 and ride the engine company. Alot different than us!! They had a cook up dinner and we attended 7 calls from 6pm until 7am. In that time i went to a cardiac arrest, a 5 month old baby fatality and a stabbing. so plenty of action but not much sleep. The guys here have been amazingly hospitable and have made the rookie do my laundry and make my bed etc really embarrising!! So now i am in Phoenix and wioll be spending the next few days with them wiil do a post soon to keep u updated.


ninapeter said...

Wow impressive stuff Scott!!! Sure a big learning expedition isn't it!! So glad everyone is making you at home as the people in a country are what it is all about. The people in USA are awesome!! You better keep some notes going or write it all down on the blog or you will forget all those experiences. So much to take in in such a short time.Keep up the good work in flying the Kiwi flag over there won't you. Thinking of you. Much love, Nina and Peter xxx

Tarnz said...

Still waiting for photos....

Grandma said...

Hi mate - well what a start to this part of your journey, Dad and I know you will do us proud and with your wonderful personality you will make friends for life. Sent you an email with Jordans latest school photo to your work one but they blocked it as it had an image so will re-send it to home address and you can log on there. Had the kids for the night on Wednesday night and we had an awesome time - then did all the school things in the morning and afternoon so it was great.
Dad is getting on really well with the alterations in back room and I expect this weekend he will be at it again.
Keep safe and we are very proud of you.
Love you lots
Mum and Dad.xxxxxxxxx