Thursday, May 24, 2007


Well had my first full day here in Phoenix its about 96degrees today so nice and warm. I spent the morning observing a table top exercise involving all the local emergency departments based on a major train hazardous materials incident which was pretty interesting then i went to the local workshop where thy commission and repair all their equipment including the fleet. The Phoenix department is the 2nd largest in the US and the money and equipment they have is mind blowing!! The busy stations here will attend around 17,ooo calls a year 70% of these are medical calls though. The guys here have been very hospitable also hopefully in the weekend i might be going to watch the diamond backs ply which the baseball team. the stadium is only about 2 blocks away.

I will try and post some photos again so they will be a mix of Santa Ana and here. Having a busy but interesting time but missing my family also.

look out for my next posting!!


Tarnz said...

Hi dad
good that you got it sorted.Those fire trucks look big. 95 degrees that is hot

Grandma said...

Hi mate glad you are enjoying the different scene over there. Man those trucks are mighty big - do you get to have a drive.
Your family misses you tooo.
Looking forward to when you come home.
Have a good time and the next time - its Dad's time to write.
Luv Mum.xxxx

ninapeter said...

Hi dad the first All Blacks game is on June the 2nd NZ time we think it is 7.30 NZ time if not we will tell you. bye

Tarnz said...

oops that comment from Nina Peter was actually from me, Jordan!